“Learning How to Stand Up for Myself Has Changed My Life”
Behaviour Change workshops are designed to transform a listener to action. Together with short, motivational messaging, this encourages participants to model the desired behaviour through activities and group discussion.
The Sanap Wantaim team have regularly hosted behaviour change workshops with ACDP teachers and participants for almost 2 years, with last month’s workshop entitled, “Harassment is Wrong.” We interviewed several attendees after the session to capture their feedback.
Ozzy Young, age 19, when asked how he felt about the workshop stated, “It was brilliant. This was my first time going through such a session. I really enjoyed the explanations and the drama participation.” When asked what was the main thing that he had learned during the workshop he told us, “Sometimes we let those around us treat us wrongly. Even as youth, we have to stand up for our rights. I would give everything to tell others that learning how to stand up for myself has changed my perspective of life.”
Sheila Konisa, age 23, stated that through the workshop she learned about the different types of harassment behaviours. She also learned about the negative psychological impact on victims, saying, “Many of my friends face harassment on a daily basis. I believe that they should take this workshop as well because learning these information can really help to change our communities. Sometimes it is better for us to change the way that we are doing things, especially when it is not right.”
Nimrod Kopea, age 19 has already attened a previous workshop with this being his second. “I’m learning more about gender-based violence and how to conduct myself in case I see a situation like this in future.”
Jacklyn Hane, age 21, has attended all four of the workshops. “I would not say that I liked the workshop because I actually loved it!” she said with a laugh and a smile. “I learn a lot. When certain harrasment behavious arise around me, I have learned that I should try to figure out how to change the situation and not join in harassing people. If other youth take these workshops, they can also learn how to change their actions.”
It is amazing what these workshops have contributed to enlightening these young men and women. “Learning behaviour change strategies and how to apply them practically in real life is the best way to begin to make positive changes in our lives and in the lives of the people in our communities.”