“Yes, we can end TB”
World TB Day 2023, with the theme ‘Yes! We can end TB!’, aims to inspire hope and encourage high-level leadership, increased investments, faster uptake of new WHO recommendations, adoption of innovations, accelerated action, and multisectoral collaboration to combat the TB epidemic.
To commemorate World TB Day and as part of the continuous efforts for a healthy, safe, clean city, NCDC Active City Development Program hosted a #March4TB Walk for World TB Day together with partners; World Health Organization, Business 4 Health, the National Department of Health, National Capital District Provincial Health Authority, today, Sunday, 26 March 2023 from 5:30am to 8:30am from Sir Hubert Murray Stadium to Ela Beach.
“With over 1,000 city residents participating in the Walk for Life to #endTB on this World TB Day, I am happy to note that the walking culture is picking up once again for 2023. Active City Development Program is a platform to connect city residents with partners and corporates alike. My message for today is, collaboration of all levels is key for a safe, healthy, clean and planned POM.” said Hon Powes Parkop, Governor of NCD.
The official programme was blessed with an opening prayer by Lina Garry and entertainment by ACDP Dance Crew and Guest Performer from Brazil, Piva entertained morning walkers with a fun and energetic performance.
Special acknowledgement to our sponsors for today, Nestle for distributing free hot beverages to the walkers.
And all the participants attended today; NCDPHA, WHO, Business for Health, Airways, SP Brewery, NCDC Health, World Vision, and Communities.