The Active City Development Program continues to encourage Port Moresby residents to live healthier, active and fit lives for the uplifting and collective wellbeing of the city.
World No Tobacco Day was observed in Port Moresby as a way to begin the conversation surrounding the need to encourage city residents to adopt wholesome habits that can add to their quality of life. The World No Tobacco Day event aimed to raise public awareness on what each of us around the world can do to reduce our stress levels without the use of addictive substances.
Ms. Tracy Kabewa, who volunteers with the PNG Cancer Foundation provided alarming statistics from the Cancer Foundation UK, stating that annually tobacco smoke kills approximately 8 million people worldwide. She also described how smoking tobacco increases one’s chances of developing cancer.
The Active City Development Program hosted World No Tobacco Day in partnership with the World Health Organization and the PNG Cancer Foundation on Sunday, May 29, 2022. The 2022 global theme for World No Tobacco Day was, “Tobacco: Threat to our Environment.”
As people within communities start to become more environmentally aware of their surroundings and what they can personally do to do enhance, beautify and make their living conditions more sustainable, it is hoped that community residents will also develop and increased awareness of their personal health and start to make changes towards lessening the amount of addictive substances that they consume in a given day.
In the meantime, those in the Port Moresby area who wish to be in better health can attend ACDP’s trainings at South Side Fitness Center on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9am-12noon or at FAPNG on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-12noon.